Thursday, February 10, 2011

You get what you give out...

"Profiles in Marketing Excellence" author, Pamela Lockard (my boss and DMN3 CEO) is quite the giver.... (And let the "butt-kissing" commence)...

Not only has she managed to run a successful and profitable marketing agency for the past 20+ years, but she continues to find ways to give back. Pam's extra time isn't spent on what you think it would be - lavish dinners, box seats at the opera, chartering a jet to Tahiti, etc. Pam is an active philanthropist. And philanthropy is part of her inspiration behind the book - "Profiles in Marketing Excellence."

Now that I probably have a fat raise coming my way (J/K, Pam!), I might as well send you to the "all-things-books" blog, BookTrib. Pam recently contributed a post and in it she writes about giving back. She talks about her dedication and involvement at the Mission of Yahweh, a homeless shelter for women and children. What's funny is that many people consider themselves philanthropists just because they signed a check, or three. But not Pam. She is a board member and at the Mission's campus at least once a week, alongside her husband and fellow board member, Ron. They volunteer their time, not just their money and even get some of us at DMN3 involved (I've been twice).

So to bring it all in "full circle style," readers of the book are enjoying one of Pam's philanthropic gifts. "Profiles in Marketing Excellence" is created to inspire marketers and students. Before, something like this just wasn't seen at your common bookstore. Pam noticed that and did something about it - and that something is called giving back.

Read Pam's post - "A Lesson in Giving" and enter to win a free copy of "Profiles in Marketing Excellence," here.

1 comment:

  1. Lindsay, I read your book blog and felt I must comment. You do a fine job highlighting Pam’s philanthropic nature and her marketing acumen, but you don’t get to Pam’s most remarkable quality. I have known Pam for many years, almost longer than anyone else on this earth. Pam is remarkable, but it’s her ability to focus like a laser beam that makes her different than almost anyone I’ve ever met.

    Pam proved herself in the business world early on. She started out as an extraordinary sales representative, and then took what she learned and struck out in an emerging field, creating a new business. She never stopped studying, learning, cultivating herself or her business, and when the inevitable success came with the financial rewards, she never sat back and gloated. Through these 30 years, she has continued to educate herself, to think forward, to find opportunities where none seemed to exist, to build relationships as well as her reputation as a marketing expert who gets results for her clients.

    That’s just the beginning. With an all-consuming career and single-handedly running a thriving business, she has also continued to develop a giving heart. At some point, she has helped out every member of her family—and I don’t mean by just writing a check, though she’s done that uncounted times, too. She has shown up at the court, the emergency room, and even the veterinary hospital. She has given pep talks, preached mini sermons, scolded, schemed, and intervened, laughed and cried and prayed, all while putting in 16-hour days at her business.

    It’s an oxymoron—completely analytical and all heart—but that’s the best way to understand Pam. She can be the most annoying, list making, uncompromising taskmistress; the next minute, she can use that same laser-like, no-nonsense attention to help a stranger in need. Her dedication to the Mission has transformed it into a sustainable refuge for homeless women and children in the community.

    This book, Profiles in Marketing Excellence, is Pam’s brainchild. It has been in the works for a couple of years. One need not work in marketing to benefit from the lessons of people who know how to advance a concept or promote an idea. I look forward to reading the book.
