Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Release date - January 2011

We pushed the release date to January. First it was October, than November and now it's after the holidays for a fresh 1st quarter launch date. Trust me, there is good reason for the change in plans. Not only did we score a stellar Foreword by Don Scultz, but Pam Lockard (the author and CEO of DMN3...and my boss) contributed some great, last minute additions to the book. You can see more about Pam on the updated site -

We also picked up some friends to help us with promotion. Meryl and team at Media Muscle are helping us get the word out and will be a great support to our 25 Profiles. Visit Media Muscle's website here.

So, see. All in good reason for our new release date. And besides, doesn't January 1st sound better than November 1st?